Centius6 is a remote temperature-monitoring solution designed for small to mid-sized transporters of foods and other perishable items. Centius6 locates, tracks and reports on shipments throughout the entire chain of custody

Failure is not an option.

The transportation and distribution of perishable items requires strict and stringent temperature-controlled environments that must consistently keep within a prescribed range throughout the entire chain of custody. Failing to properly keep, monitor, document, and report the real-time temperature of cargo to all parties while the cargo is in possession potentially exposes every organization in the chain to liability, due to the risks associated with temperature-related spoilage.

cold chain temperature | Lexicon Networks
food transport | Lexicon Networks

Keeping a cool head.

Centius6 takes the guesswork out of where, when and at what temperature a client’s shipment was kept, significantly mitigating liability issues with comprehensive accountability and reporting. Data travels straight from refrigerated trucks to an easy-to-use software interface that readily alerts administrators to irregularities in real-time, while recording all collected data into a report that can be handed to the client on delivery.

Centius6 offers the following features and benefits:

  • Specifically optimized for small to mid-sized fleets requiring cold chain temperature monitoring and reporting.
  • Continuously transmits and records real-time temperature data.
  • Triggers real-time alerts as temperature deviations occur or exceed pre-set, customizable parameters.
  • Maintains a historical record of both temperature and location for easy reporting and accountability.

Deliver with Confidence!

With Centius6, offer clients a thorough record of temperature and location for their perishable shipment through the entire chain of custody, and grow trust and loyalty with each delivery.

location track | Lexicon Networks